How To Remove the Fear So Your Ministry Can Thrive 

2-Part Tele-class
Thursdays, April 14th and 21st, 2011
7:30 pm EST - 9:00pm EST

with Ericka D. Jackson
Evangelist, Author, Kingdom Trainer

with special bonuses if you register by Saturday, April 9th.

The Lord expects each of His children to be fearless. This is an area we often hear about but seldom receive the SPECIFIC teachings, tools and steps that show us exactly what to do to live without fear.

We know that God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. He has created us to be fearless and overcome anything of the world. The power is inside of you.

Yet why do we still feel fear more often than we probably want to admit?

There are FOUR areas in which all ministers must be completely fearless.  These areas are:

  • Unresolved Personal Issues
  • Uncleannesses (we must have purified hearts and cleansed spirits)
  • Financial Provision
  • The Fish Bowl

There is a step-by-step process that the Holy Spirit taught me to alleviate fear in each of these areas that goes beyond an intellectual understanding of scripture so as ministers we have no hindrances to the Lord blessing and expanding our ministries. We are become truly pure vessels for the works of the Lord.

A major part of my Kingdom Assignment is to share the incredible teachings on fearlessness the Lord has taught me. While I have spent most of my life living fearlessly, the Lord has taken me through an intense teaching and truth about fear that I had never heard anywhere before.

Fear is not false evidence appearing real. It is not something that can be overcome with positive thinking or only changing your mindset. It is not something that you have made up or can just ignore in your life.

I have spent so much time the last two years focusing on teaching on living beyond fearless, that the Lord literally had to remind me that there are so many of our brothers and sisters in Christ who are ready to break through any remaining walls that may be keeping you from all the Lord has for you.

I often hear people using inspiration as a way to overcome fear and that only works for a limited time. Then you are left with the same fear you were dealing with before.

Then add to it all of the issues going on in the world. Between crumbling financial markets, earthquakes, tsunamis, a lack of truth being taught, people harming one another and the challenges families are going through we have more opportunity than ever to experience fear.

Fear is a spiritual issue that produces HUGE challenges in your life. It is the elephant in the room that we don't want to talk about. Yet it holds us back from so much.

  • Fear keeps you from releasing the Word of God and the message God placed within you to those who need to hear it.
  • It keeps you beating yourself up for what you've been through instead of sharing your testimony.
  • It keeps you from reaching out to the very people who need to hear from you.
  • Fear keeps youstuck and unable to move forward.
  • It keeps you living lives that undervalue our worth.
  • It undermines your self-esteem.
  • It keeps you living paycheck-to-paycheck or invoice-to-invoice
  • It keeps you in "romantic" relationships we should have let go of a long time ago.
  • It keeps you accepting friendships that don't truly honor who you are.
  • It keeps you living beneath your God-intended level of greatness.
  • It inhibits your creativity and ability to truly express your joy.
  • It keeps your heart heavy with worry and doubt.
  • It keeps you from living the juicy life God preordained for you.

It's time to say NO MORE to fear!!!
It is robbing you of your divine life.

There is a specific step-by-step process to eleviate fear from your life. Without fear in your life, this class will guide you to a place where:

 You will love more deeply.

 Take greater risks and have more FUN in your business and/or ministry.

 Finally COMPLETE those projects that will move you forward

 Take your ministry work to new LEVELS.

 Release that excess weight that you have been DESIRING to lose and the attention it will bring.

 Have more QUALITY relationships with people who celebrate you.

 Go after that major client who will CHANGE the course of your business or ministry.

 Allow the WEALTH the Lord has set aside just for you to flow into your life.

 Face any financial set-back or hiccups with GRACE.

 Experience more MIRACLES of God with increased faith.

 Smile more because the JOY of the Lord overflows from you.

 Finally be able to LET GO of past hurts and emotional wounds that have held your heart captive.

 LAUGH more often and more deeply.

 Date more often (either your husband or those God sends to prepare the way for your husband).

 Do those live events to RELEASE the brilliance and wisdom people need to hear from you.

 Sleep more deeply and peacefully with NO ANXIETY or worry.

 Be UNSHAKEABLE in living your purpose.

 Have nothing in the way of you FULLY experiencing the promises of God.

In this class I will teach you the step-by-step process to:

 How to remove fear from every aspect of your life using the 4 Quadrants of Fearlessness , which outlines each of the areas in which ministers must master fearlessness.

 Never experience fear for more than 3 minutes even as you move to new levels of success.

 Know how to overcome fear both spiritually and in the natural.

 Take the limits off of your life.

 Have a mindset of fearlessness that keeps you centered and at peace.

 Live at the level of value the Lord created for you.

 Live the health that you have envisioned for your life.

 Critical self-coaching skills that keep you moving forward.

 Maximize your gifts, talents and income.

 Touch the lives of those to whom you've been called through your ministry or business.

The first session of class is on Thursday, April 14th, the second session is Thursday, April 21st. Both classes will be held from 7:30 pm EST - 9:00 pm EST on both evenings.

You will receive:

* Complimentary recordings of each class.
* Transcripts of each class teaching.
* Access to our Online Learning Center.
* A private Q&A line to leave your questions about fearlessness.

I'll see you on the 14th!
Love, Ericka

Those who I work with to guide to fearlessness can say it better than I ever can...

My shoulders are no longer tight and tense.  Go figure!!  I rested well for the first time in quite a long time ( physical as well as mental rest)!!  I actually feel lighter inside and out!!  I appreciate you working with me through some stuff I had not even considered!!  I am truly well on my way to total and complete freedom!! - D. Tate

Ericka, you may not know this, but you are a guide, a mentor of sorts to so many women, including me, trying to do God's will for their lives.  I know there have been days when I literally had to ask myself "what would Ericka do?"

Many times I have sat on my bed (my office - hahaha) and pondered how in the world you have accomplished so much? Where does she get the drive? How in the world she does it being a single parent?!  See, I was a single parent before and I know --- it's NO joke!!!  But, Ericka, it encourages me.  It makes me say, "if Ericka can do it, I can." 


Through God working in you and you being obedient you have pulled and prodded and shaken.  Your sheep has birthed ministries, books, broken strongholds, and GROWN in the WORD of God.  We have learned SO much! - T. Quintana

Then last night fear tried to grip me again.....the Lord reminded me of your teaching. I gained the victory last night!


Because of your teachings, God is removing the blinders, and ignorance. He is revealing more and more of Himself to me as I sit quietly before Him. Now my prayers are changing, my speech is changing...shifted to Kingdom living!


Knowing full well there is no room for doubt, nor fear! Walking under an open Heaven I shall walk to my place of destiny completing every Kingdom assignment.....thus fulling God's purpose for my life, which is hidden in Christ Jesus! - M. Mullings


If register now through Saturday, April 9th, you not only save $20, you will receive one of Ericka's never-before-released teachings on fear - Your Fearless Faith .

Also, receive Ericka's ebook, The Power of Vision so you can move forward full- steam ahead on your vision.

***UPDATE*** - These bonuses are no longer available.

About Ericka

Ericka D. Jackson's primary gift is having a heart that perpetually hears from Heaven. The Lord gave her the gift of speaking to share what she hears with The Body of Christ. She skillfully blends spiritual insights with practical knowledge that clears away anything in the way of knowing and acting on God’s path for your life.

Her more than 20 years of experience in guiding people in living their greatest lives, her anointing as a speaker, and talent and humor as a natural entertainer converge to create a life-changing experience for her audiences. It is not just Ericka’s profound delivery, she is a catalyst for action and leaves her audiences transformed. Ms. Jackson shares her gifts, talent and expertise with ministries and conferences across the nation.

She is a natural innovator and has developed more than 20 tele-classes, workshops, and CD’s. She is the founder of the Kingdom Minister's Training Institute. She is the author of Self Coaching, When God Calls, The Fearless Living Challenge, The Power of Vision and Beyond Fearless. She flows in the five-fold ministry as an Evangelist of Zion Christian Training Center.

Her anointing as a speaker, and humor as a natural entertainer converge to create a life-changing experience for those on her calls. Her anointing as a speaker, and humor as a natural entertainer converge to create a life-changing experience for those on her calls. Visit for more information and to receive your free Kingdom Ministry Manifesto.