Clearing the Way: Walking in Emotional and Spiritual Freedom Course

 Clearing the Way Telecourse Header reduced
A 6-Part Home Study Course 

If you are ready for ADVANCED Kingdom Training…
There is More For You and it is Time to Fully Access it So You
Can Be ALL You Are Called To Be

with the Convergence Spiritual Cleansing Method.

If you are ready to experience more success in your business, ministry and walk with the Lord, then keep reading…there is a way.

To Christian Leaders, Business Owners, Church Leadership, and all those ready for advanced training and tired of “church as usual:”

  • Have you been doing all you know how to do in your work and life and there is something inside of you telling you that there is more for you?
  • Are you tired of replaying old thoughts, issues and patterns from your past?
  • Have been praying and fasting and you’re still not getting the results that are promised in the Word?
  • Have been trying to manage sickness and disease and you are ready to be free from sickness once and for all?

 It is time for you to be free!

Learn how to get on the offensive in your walk with the Lord.

End all Procrastination. Worry. Insecurity. Pride. Doubt. Guilt. Depression. Jealousy. Arrogance. Rejection. Stress. ALL Sickness and Disease. Pornographic Addiction. Drug Addiction (and all addictions). Jealousy. Memory Loss. Suicidal Thoughts. Extreme “Busyness.”

Prayer and fasting alone are not enough to get free from them.

It IS possible to be completely free from these so you can get on with the life you were born to live and fulfill your DESTINY!

Young businesswoman with arms out against blue sky

 This Course is For You if You:

  • Are a leader or called to be a leader in your field and you are silently struggling with fear, insecurity, self-doubt and other issues and you are ready to be free.
  • Are tired of living beneath your purpose and potential and desire to access all the Lord has for you.
  • Are ready to experience higher and higher levels of success?
  • Have been praying, fasting, worshiping, praising and serving and you are still not getting the results that are promised in Holy scripture.
  • Are ready to receive deeper and advanced teachings on how access the fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven right here and now.

This work is what has been missing from our walks with the Lord and you are READY!

senior couple free from illness

This proven process has already been used to help hundreds of my clients and students now it is your turn.

Here is what emotional and spiritual cleansing can do for you:

  • Help you get things done with more efficiency with no more putting things off.
  • Open up the financial flow and provision for your vision without worry or stress.
  • Witness more and more miracles happen in your day-to-day life.
  • Remove any judgement and critical thoughts of yourself and others so you can be free to live your God-ordained dreams.
  • Increase your spiritual “magnetism” so blessings begin to pursue you.
  • Be certain of your decisions because you’re so in tuned to the Holy Spirit.
  • Become completely free from all addictions (including food, people, pornography, material things, etc).
  • Experience the full manifestation of healing of any and ALL sickness (this process has healed stage 4 cancer, HIV, and so many more ailments that the world tells us is not possible to be healed).
  • Prepare you to receive love beyond anything you ever imagined from friendships, your family and your significant other/spouse.

And SO much more…

It is time for you to be 100% certain of who you are, the fullness of your calling and how incredible you are.

It is this work that causes me and so many others to wake up each and every morning completely excited about my life and where it is going.

This process takes you far beyond what is currently available for emotional healing and spiritual cleansing.

It is the only comprehensive process of its kind that combines new revelation, emotional freedom and a total excavation of unclean spirits from our body temple and life.

Group of happy people.

I want to share this work with as many people as possible so we, as Christians, can truly illuminate the power and love of Jesus in every area of our lives and people are moved by our presence so much so that they want to not only intimately know Jesus, but they want to go deeper and deeper into Him and be a blessing to more and more people in their lives.

Are you one of these people?

Then, this work is the KEY to guiding you through the transition from who you’ve been to who you were created to be!

You Will Be Guided In How To:

  • Walk in the 3 revelations that will open your understanding of the power of your heart and spirit.
  • Master how to truly forgive so your heart can be pure and only carry the light and love of Jesus.
  • Implement the specific steps to identify and remove the 14 stronghold spirits and their negative effects from your life.
  • Release all hurt, hidden bitterness and anger so you can fully experience the love of Christ in your heart and spirit.
  • Uncover your purpose and open the way to gaining precise instruction from the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Differentiate between manifestations of light and darkness in every area of your life.
  • Gain the revelation necessary for you to appropriate the power in the name of Jesus for your physical healing.
  • Maintain this new level of living so you can experience life and life more abundantly that is promised to you in the Word.
  • Remove Satan’s access to your life once and for all.

CTW testimonials

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You will also receive:

  • 24/7 access to all classes and materials via Ericka’s online learning center.
  • A weekly training packet that walks you through the process the Holy Spirit showed Ericka to fully purify your heart and remove any remaining  emotional wounds, unforgiveness and unhealed areas.
  • The expanded list of the 14 stronghold spirits and their fruits so you can identify and always recognize when something unclean has found its way into your life.
  • Key scriptures that take you through the understanding of the heart and deliverance work in the scripture.
  • Access to fully trained Spiritual Cleansing Specialists to help you complete the process.

About Ericka
The Results Accelerator
Ej full standing with hands cropped

Ericka’s primary gift is having ears that continually hear from the throne of God. The Lord gave her the gift of speaking to share what she hears with The Body of Christ.

She skillfully blends spiritual insights with practical knowledge that clears away anything in the way of knowing and produces consistent results that equip you to walk in God’s path for your life.

Her more than 20 years of experience in guiding people in living their greatest lives, her anointing as a speaker, and talent and humor as a natural entertainer converge to create a life-changing experience for her audiences and students.

She trains and equips Christian Business owners and ministry leaders with advanced spiritual and business teachings and leadership skills that take their ministries beyond where they have gone before. Ms. Jackson shares her gifts, talent and expertise with ministries and conferences across the nation.

She is a natural innovator and has developed more than 20 teachings and training programs. She is the founder of the The Convergence Center, which is the parent organization over the Kingdom Minister’s Training Institute and Touch and Agree (TAG) Christian Women’s Business Network and the Board Chair of LeadHer, a national women’s leadership training ministry.

She is the author of six books including Self Coaching, When God Calls, The Fearless Living Challenge, The Power of Vision, Beyond Fearless: How to Remove Every Hindrance From Your Life and Your Heart is the Key. She has been an itinerant Kingdom Minister (called to the Body of Christ outside of the four walls of a church) for more than 14 years. She carries an Apostolic mantle and flows in the five-fold ministry as an Evangelist and is held accountable by Apostle Elijah Forte Ministries.

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