Fear is NOT something you have to live with.
How many times have you started a project but haven’t finished it? Or you got a great idea that will move you forward, but things keep getting in the way of you implementing the idea. Whether or not you recognize it, it is fear that is slowing you down.
We know that God did not give us the spirit of fear…Yet 98% of the Body of Christ is still silently struggling with fear.
Make sure you are not one of those who still live with fear.
Why? Because there are five levels of fearlessness and most people have not yet even mastered the first level. Join me and release the FULL power to impact the world in a HUGE way.

This course is the cure to not only procrastination, but anxiety, worry, stress and overwhelm.
You have NOT heard everything there is about fear. There is more.
It is time to learn the WHOLE truth about fear…minus the falsehoods that have been taught for decades about fear that keep holding you back without you even being fully aware of it.

There are FIVE levels of fearlessness at which the Lord has called you to operate. When you master all FIVE levels…you are unstoppable.
Yet, most people have not even mastered the very first level.
There are SIX new revelations on fear that you need to operate at each of these levels.

You will no longer have to deal with fear of failure…fear of success…fear of rejection…fear of the unknown…fear of what people will think…fear of being alone…fear of intimidation…fear of not knowing enough…fear of not being good enough…fear of provision or lack…fear of responsibility…fear of change…fear of loss of privacy…fear of disappointing others…fear of intimidating others…or any other type of fear you have experienced.
You will leave this experience with a whole new understanding of living 100% with no fear.
Fear is costing you WAYYYY too much.
It is costing you being on purpose and fulfilling your calling.
It is costing you relationships.
It is costing you sales.
It is costing you lost clients.
It is costing you a loss of income.
It is costing you your health.
It is costing you your spiritual divine right and inheritance.
It is costing you love.
It is costing you time.
It is costing you stress.
It is costing you your peace.
It is costing you far too much to remain in fear.
This experience will take you beyond temporary relief to the elimination of fear. After participating in this experience, you will be free to fully focus on moving forward with no detours, obstacles, stuck areas or delays. No more holding back.
You will never have to push against or talk yourself out of fear again. It will be gone forever.
This audio course will guide you in making significant shifts at deep levels that will invigorate every area of your life.
Learn fresh insights and new revelation on fearlessness that you have NEVER heard before.
You will learn how to:
Be truly fearless on all five levels of fearlessness.
Complete projects that will catapult your vision forward in a simple way.
Expand and increase the impact of your business or ministry.
Increase your income and easily bring forth the resources you need to grow your vision.
Make a supernatural connection to the power, dominion that resides inside of you.
And much, much more!

Hear what others are saying about this course:
This course have given me a life of freedom! A life that truly shows God’s Glory and being able to live my life on purpose! I am excited beyond belief!
This course has given me the bridge I needed to step into the next area of my life!
I’m so glad that I made the choice to take this course! This course made me realize who I am in Christ and that it is time for me to act on the dreams and visions He has given me.
This course has re-affirmed that I am on the right path and I feel confident and powerful in the purpose that God has for my life. I am ready to move from contemplation to action. I have the power!
I don’t have the words to express how grateful I am to have been blessed to attend this awesome course! Ericka so graciously and wonderfully presented the information God gave her to share with with us. I am FREE!
This course was an answer to a long-awaited prayer. I was missing the connecting factors of how to not just experience fearlessness, but to manifest it. I got it!
It is time to remove any fear in the way of truly manifesting the life of your heart’s desires.
You can DO this!

Your Registration Includes:
A 4-part Freedom From Fear Forever Workbook.
Full access to the online learning center.
This course is no longer available. Be on the lookout for some next-level stuff coming soon.
About The Trainer
Ericka D. James helps you fearlessly build something extraordinary. She is a master transformational specialist who discovered her gifts of speaking and leading at the age of 12 and has spent the last 31 years guiding people to becomeall they were created to be.
After overcoming years of bullying and the challenges of single motherhood, her testimony is one of triumph, forgiveness, faith, complete surrender, obedience, and an unyielding pursuit of manifesting her potential.
Her more than 25 years of experience in transformation, her anointing as a speaker, and her talent and humor as a natural entertainer converge to create a life-changing experience for her audiences.
Ericka is the CEO of The Convergence Center LLC, a world-class consulting and training firm, the founder of The Alliance, a training and development organization for businesswomen, and the founder and apostle of The Kingdom Minister’s Association, a 501(c)(3).
She has created a collection of highly sought-after trainings, certifications, and resources that include numerous CDs, podcasts, articles, trainings, and teaching tools. She has authored six books, including The Power of Vision, The Fearless Living Challenge, Beyond Fearless: How to Remove Every Hindrance From Your Life, and Your Heart is the Key. She is also the host of The Ericka James Show: Life on Purpose.
When she is not working, you can find her reading, writing, attempting to be a painter, and doing anything that makes her laugh with her husband.