
A 3-Part Audio Course

and Special BONUS teaching
Access Your Inner Greatness Audio Class

Be Confident That You Are On the Right Track to Accomplish Your Life's Assignment.

  • Have you been praying for clarity about your purpose?
  • Are you ready to move beyond thinking about your vision, planning for it and talking about it to actually manifesting it?
  • Are you ready to learn the key and unique techniques you can activate and implement to manifest the fullness of your Life's Assignment?
  • Then you are ready for this training!

Your Life's Assignment (or Kingdom Assignment) goes beyond your calling and vision to reveal what was placed inside of you when you were created. It is unique to you and transcends your circumstances to tap into your High Calling – the single thing (or things) the Lord designed you to complete in your lifetime.

When you are on track with bringing your life's assignment forth, you enjoy knowing precisely what next steps to take to grow your business and reach more people through your ministry. You wake up each and every morning with total clarity and a feeling of joy and bliss.

floating lightbulb

When you are “plugged in” at each level of knowing who you are:

  • You remain inspired and in-action to keep moving forward no matter what.
  • You stay" tuned-in" to your God-given genius every day.
  • You are engaged and excited about your life - no more boring days – ever!
  • Each step you need to make your vision thrive is crystal clear.
  • Circumstances begin to line up to support you.

There are three dimensions or levels of knowing who you are so you can easily wake up each and every day knowing what sets you apart and what you were created to complete that is different from every other person (yes, all 7 billion people around the world).

When you are crystal clear about your life's assignment, nothing of this world can sway you from moving your vision forward.


Join Ericka, a Master Business and Ministry Kingdom Trainer as she guides you through a three-week journey to understanding, formulating and implementing your Kingdom Assignment. This training has never been done before and has been more than 15 years in the making.

Ericka has learned how to be unshakeable and unstoppable on her vision path and she will help you shave years off of your journey so you can avoid the mistakes she made and learn insights, process and revelation directly from the Holy Spirit that will accelerate your results.

Plug directly into God’s day-to-day instruction so you can always be encouraged, inspired and connected to His exact plan for your life.


Here is an overview of what you will learn in this course:

Class 1 - Understanding

  • How to access and release the three dimensions of your inner greatness and how to maximize your greatness at all three levels.
  • The 7 aspects of clearly articulating and expressing your Kingdom Assignment (with no hesitation).
  • Become conscious of what accurately and precisely sets you and your calling apart from ALL of the other people on the planet (yes, it is possible to be that certain and confident without arrogance).
  • Differentiate between purpose, calling, vision, gifts, the anointing and your Kingdom Assignment.

Class 2 - Formulation

  • Uncover how the Lord specifically built you to carry out your Assignment.
  • Incorporate The Convergence Success Cycle™ and how to advance and complete the full Assignment on your life.
  • How to access your “Heavenly Blueprint” for success to receive the definite step-by-step plan the Lord placed inside of you.

Class 3 - Implementation

  • How to apply the 3 key Kingdom Vision Building techniques to always keep your vision moving forward.
  • The process of tapping into the provision that will keep your vision progressing.
  • Staying in peace and joy and out of overwhelm as you bring forth the vastness of your vision and impact more and more lives.

Get Instant Access Today!



About the Trainer - Ericka D. James

Ericka D. James has a huge Kingdom Assignment and has spent the last 15 years learning how to access the precise instruction directly from the throne of God for how to walk out not only her Kingdom Assignment, but to lead and guide thousands of other people to understand and walk in theirs.

She has learned not to allow anything – even being a single mother – stop her from building God’s precise vision for her life. She skillfully blends spiritual insights with practical knowledge that clears away anything in the way of knowing and produces consistent results that equip you to walk in God’s path for your life.

Her more than 20 years of experience in guiding people in fulfilling their callings and Kingdom Assignments, her anointing as a speaker, and talent and humor as a natural entertainer converge to create a life-changing experience for her audiences and students.

She trains and equips Christian Business owners and ministry leaders with advanced spiritual and business teachings and leadership skills that take their businesses and ministries to new heights of success and achievement.

She is the founder of the The Convergence Center, which is the parent organization over the Kingdom Minister's Association and The Int'l Alliance of Christian Business Women. She is the creator of more than 20 training programs and certifications and the author of six books including Self Coaching, When God Calls, The Fearless Living Challenge, The Power of Vision, Beyond Fearless: How to Remove Every Hindrance From Your Life and Your Heart is the Key.

Visit www.erickadjames.com for more information on Ericka's life work.