Saturday, January 18th, 2025
11:00 am EST – 2:30 pm PST
/8:00 am PST – 11:30 am PST
via Zoom
You were born to soar above the things of this world like an eagle.
There is a book with YOUR name on it in the Kingdom of Heaven (see Psalms 139:16). It holds God’s plans for your life and your predestined path to get there. The problem is, most of us are not fully aware of this path and how to access it.
Being a part of The Eagle’s Roundtable gives you access to this path – your predestined blueprint.
In this special time, Ericka shares her prophetic gift of reading your Book of Life and is joined by a special guest Prophet, Katrina Miller. Together they tap into God’s prophetic message for this season of your life (and business) and help you create an action plan to make sure you are walking in full alignment with God’s plan.
2025 is the Year of Make-up!
The Lord showed me a Teacher allowing their student to turn in make-up work. He then said that this is the year to make-up in all of those areas in which He has been instructing you. You have been trying, but things have not come into full manifestation for you as of yet. He is allowing you time to get those things done so you can enter into the realm in which you are living the fullness of His promised blessings in your life.
He also shared with that this also means that He is making you into the fullness of who He created you to be. This is the year He intends for you to become the fullness of who He created – made – you to be. He did share some specific things we need to do to fully line up with His will that I will share at the beginning of the Prophetic Roundtable.
His need (yes, God DOES need you to be His Body in the earth) for you to be 100% focused on His call, purpose and provision for your business, ministry and life will continue in 2025.
This event is a time to hear directly from YOUR book for God’s instruction for 2025 and make sure that you are fully operating in HIS plan and path for your life.
And precisely what your next steps should be.
Be a part of a casual prophetic gathering of leaders (both men and women are welcomed) who are ready to remove the invisible tethers and soar at the “eagle level” in every area of your life.

Experience the Power of Tapping into your Heavenly Blueprint.
Take the guesswork out of knowing precisely what your next steps are to create the life of your God-given dreams as Ericka is a vessel to access God’s original plan for your life.

Gain New Focus and Clarity in Understanding Your Position in the Kingdom of God.
When you know the season of life you are in, it becomes easier to focus in on operating in your natural, God-given design and destiny. You will uncover and express your brilliance and shine without apology or hesitation.

Unleash Your Gifts and Talents and Leave Struggle Behind.
You already have that which you are seeking within you. This will give you time to concentrate on only what you need so you can easily integrate new realizations and “A-ha” moments you will experience into your life, business or ministry.
This Prophetic Roundtable is for you if:
- You are no longer struggling with major self-esteem or self-worthiness issues.
- You are ready to actively build or are already building a vision for the Lord (a business, ministry or organization).
- You are no longer willing to allow fear hold you back from moving forward and getting your work out into the world.
- You are not dealing with depression or overwhelming sickness.
- You are ready to uplevel in a BIG way.
- You know there is greatness inside of you that you have not yet tapped into and/or released and you are READY to release it.
If you are not in this place, please hold off in registering. It can be overwhelming to receive a Word from your Book of Life if you are still struggling with extreme self-issues, depression, anxiety or a lot of sickness.
I have some other resources to help you move past these issues to get you ready for a future Eagle’s Prophetic Roundtable. If you have questions about this, feel free to email me at ej@erickadjames.com.
As an participant, you will:
Get key questions that will take you to your next level answered.
Tap into the Kingdom of Heaven and receive specific instructions for every area of your life.
Get to experience being with other eagle leaders who are committed to soaring.
Share in a safe space of transformation and breakthrough.
Leave clear, focused and activated to take align your action with your heart's desires in this season.
Have time to create a step-by-step plan that lines up with the prophetic word you receive so you know your immediate next moves.
“WOW!! I have never had an encounter like today. The mask was removed and confirmations were revealed. Thank you for divinely interceding on my behalf. I came in a wounded chicken, but left as an empowered eagle ready to SOAR. Your ability to walk confidently and boldly while clothed in humility operating in the authentic unique gift God has graced you with genuinely inspired me.” – Yolanda
“I really appreciate your help and prophetic Words from God!! I have been stuck for a while and feel so much better now!!! Thank you!“- Debbie
“This was mind-blowing and confirming all at the same time. I didn’t know what to expect and it was awesome!” – Sharon
“Wow that was an amazing time with you and all the other ladies on Saturday at the (virtual) Eagles Roundtable!” – Mary
“Oh my! What a wonderful (virtual) session that was last Saturday. What I hear clearly is that it’s time TO DO. I’ve got everything that I need to move forward. So, thank you for being faithful and using your gift.” – Elaine
“WOW! I feel to blessed to have been able to receive your gifting. I’ve never received a prophetic word and this was amazing! I want to thank you so much and let you know that it was so spot on. I just want you to know – you nailed it. Not a single thing was off. And I cannottttt wait to be apart of more of your trainings!!!!” – Alyssa
The event will be held online. You will receive the access info as soon as you get registered. Your registration includes a handout and complimentary audio and video recordings of the Roundtable. As a special BONUS, Ericka gifts you with the entire 2025 Word she has received from the Lord at the end of the roundtable.

The event will be held online. You will receive the access info as soon as you get registered.
Why would I pay to be a part of this when the Lord can speak to me directly?
I am clear that part of carrying the gift of The Holy Spirit is being able to hear directly from the Lord. That is not all that happens in these sessions.
There are different levels of access in the prophetic and the Lord has given me access to people’s books of life (see Psalm 139:16), which carries the blueprints of who He created them to be, what He created them to complete in their lifetime and precisely where they are in the process of closing the gap between where they are now and who they were created to be.
Most people do not know how to access their Books of Life and that is what we do in these sessions. They are not just about hearing from God, they are about creating a strategy to align with all God created them to be and what He called them to build for His Kingdom.
Is it scriptural to charge for the gift of the prophetic?
The scriptural basis for being able to make a living through the work we do for the Lord and using our spiritual gifts can be found in 1 Corinthians 9: 1 – 14. Apostle Paul shares of his right to make a living from the work of the Lord that He does. It is our scriptural right to make a living in the work we do for the Lord. Some may choose not to activate this spiritual right, but I have been released by the Lord to do so.
This scripture also continues how charging for our work with the Lord can turn into abuse of the gospel. I have had many conversations with the Lord about this and He has shown me that in order to do this, I must keep my heart pure so I always keep my eyes on Him and His Kingdom. I appropriate the power of the Prophetic for people to build the Kingdom of God upon the earth.
All I do is downloaded from the Throne of God. I don’t move without first consulting the Lord. The Lord has blessed me with two great spirit gifts – the gift of having ears that receive new revelation from the Throne of God and being able to access people’s Books of Life (Psalm 139:16) so they can understand precisely who God called them to be, what they are called to build and how He designed them to build it. I have skills and expertise to put these downloads in the form of courses, speaking engagements, etc., but it all comes from the Lord.
When I do these sessions, I utilize not only my gifts of the Prophetic; I combine coaching, deliverance and emotional healing to do Prophetic Sessions for clients and those who desire to hear from their Book of Life and have a specific plan on what shifts they need to make to line up with the Word of God.
In terms of the specifics with asking for financial exchange for standing in the gap for people who cannot access their own Books of Life, the Lord showed me the Prophets of old that were so valuable, that Kings kept them in their mansions and compensated them not only with covering living expenses, but often with compensation.
He has actually shared with me to lead with my gifts and they will make room for me (Proverbs 18:16) and bring me before great men (Proverbs 18:16). This scripture tells us that our spiritual gifts are to be used and will cause elevation and be of great value. Of course, it is ideal for each and every Christian to be able to hear the Lord for themselves as the gift of prophecy is part of what we all carry in the Holy Spirit. I have learned over the years that this is just not the case. Then, there is the Office of a Prophet. That is a whole other thing. I have also learned that there are levels of access in the Prophetic.
Matthew 10:8 is very clear that there are certain gifts from God for which we are not to charge. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.
When I first started doing ministry, courses that He gave me to teach and deliverance work, I had longgg talks with the Lord about this. He gave me and entire process that did not only include casting out devils/deliverance and reminded me that it took me years of my life to move in these things and that I could charge for them. It has taken me decades to perfect these gifts. These are not free gifts. They have cost me my life. These are some of the gifts that the Lord gives us to create a livelihood. I do activate my scriptural right to live by the gospel.
Spiritual gifts are the most valuable things on the earth. I truly believe that people should honor those that utilize them to build the Kingdom. While it is not in the package of a Pastor or a person utilizing those gifts who is on a church staff, I utilize mine to build the Kingdom in the marketplace. I have also observed over the years that people honor what they invest in.
I do want to note that I have come to understand that everyone is not ready to charge for spiritual gifts if they haven’t done the heart work as it can become perverted as we have seen over and over again. When the things of the Lord become perverted, it leads people astray and harms people. In addition to the heart work, if we have not been delivered, it can turn to greed and corruption. There is much work one needs to do before the Lord truly authorizes us to charge for His gifts. I don’t advocate it for everyone all of the time. The Lord provides these gifts that we can utilize for our livelihood, but there is a process so He can Trust us with His gifts.
What is the benefit of being in a group of people for this process? Wouldn't I be better off doing a private session?
Because the spirit of the prophetic is so present during a roundtable, it is a space that opens you up to more prophetic “frequencies” than you can usually access on your own. All prophets hear in part. With many prophets coming together, you get the fullness of what God desires to share with you.
There are actually many prophets that attend the roundtables and they receive deeper revelation, instruction and insights than they have been able to receive on their own. It actually proves to be much deeper and more valuable than coaching, counseling or speaking life into people.
The acceleration of results people are experiencing in their lives and business is evident when they take what they learn in these sessions and apply it to their lives. It holds the power to keep them on track each and every day of their lives. Of course, my main aim is to be able to help usher people into having access to their own Books of Life so they can live every day of their lives in complete alignment with who God created them to be.
Can I get a private session?
Ericka is not currently offering private prophetic sessions until her schedule opens up a bit more to do this. It will most likely be the 3rd Quarter before her time will allow her to do private sessions. Feel free to respond to any of her emails to get on her waiting list.
Will you be doing having another one soon?
No, we only do this once a year. We do a Prophetic Tune-up session later in the year, but we will not be doing another Eagle’s Prophetic Roundtable until January 2026.
Do I have to stay on the entire time?
We ask that you are present the entire time. It is disruptive to the flow of the roundtable when people pop on and off the gathering. Also, God speaks the entire time and you don’t want to miss anything so we ask that you are present the entire time.
The Prophets

Ericka D. James, Keynote Speaker & Trainer, Prophetic Strategist
Ericka’s deep hunger and mission to become the fullness of who God created her to be began when she was 12 years old. Growing up in a successful entrepreneurial family who encouraged her to live her dreams was just the beginning.
She has learned how to tap into her gift of having ears that receive new revelation, the power of the prophetic and unshakable self-certainty to seamlessly blend deep spiritual understanding with practical application. Mrs. James brings humor and fun in the midst of transformation for her audiences.
She has been speaking and training for more than 30 years. She is the Founder of The Convergence Center, a world-class training & consulting firm, The Alliance, the premiere training organization for Christian Business Women, and The Kingdom Minister’s Association, a training organization for Minister’s called to found ministries that walk in the works of Jesus and beyond.
She is the author of 6 books, including Beyond Fearless: How to Remove Every Hindrance From Your Life and The Fearless Living Challenge and a prolific library of audio courses, eBooks, certifications and resources.

Dr. Katrina Miller, Speech Pathologist, Minister & Prophet
God began to open up Katrina’s prophetic gift as a teenager when she started to have vivid dreams regarding people and events to come. While she did not fully understand (or desire) her prophetic gift, God provided mentors and teachers to give insight, wisdom, and guidance into the prophetic and its effective use with the body of Christ.
Since then, God has fined tuned Katrina’s ability to hear and see spiritually. One of the first partakers of The Eagles’ Roundtables, Katrina has seen firsthand how prophecy can change the trajectory of someone’s life and as a result has learned to embrace her gift. She is forever grateful to be able to share her prophetic gift with others.