A 6-Part Audio Training

If you are ready to release the untapped potential of your mind so you can naturally accelerate your clarity and productivity, this training course is one you don’t want to miss.

You have invested hours and hours in developing your spiritual life so you can understand your calling and purpose, yet you sometimes find yourself struggling to stay focused, energized and excited about doing what it takes to fulfill your vision.

You may feel stronger than you’ve felt spiritually in a long time, yet still find yourself getting easily distracted by life’s obligations and responsibilities and having a difficult time focusing in on all that needs to get done.

The missing piece to being resilient and unwavering in manifesting your heart’s desires is having a mindset that is constantly focused and fixated on victory.

If it was not for the fact that my parents deeply instilled a strong mindset in me all of my life and the immense amount of time I have invested into strengthening my mindset, I would have crumbled under the “bigness” of my calling and gotten derailed from my vision path many time over.  

When your mindset is not properly strengthened, you get easily distracted and can get down on yourself, feel unmotivated, discouraged and experiencing increased feelings of isolation and it seems as if no one understands what you are going through when they are not trying to build their visions.

You may find yourself over or under eating and uninspired to do the things you know to do (like exercise, eat right, get more sleep, etc.) that will move you forward.

Your To-Do List seems to be growing with tasks that are not yet completed. It is time for your To Do list to get shorter because you are easily moving through projects and tasks with a focused and concise thought process.

You may find yourself getting easily irritated at those who are closest to you and yet cannot find the words to explain your frustration because you deeply want to be further ahead then where you are but you are having a silent struggle “wrapping your brain” around all that it seems to take to feel focused and momentous.

It is time to unlock the unbounding excitement and overflowing exhilaration of  your mind to propel your Kingdom Assignment.

No more feeling strong in the spirit and not being steady mentally so you can wake up each and every morning with laser-beam-like focus and tenacity to walk through your day energetically no matter what hurdles you have to overcome.

Having a strong and unshakable mindset allows you to easily glide over life’s challenges, obstacles and setbacks with joy and determination.

You can be clear about your calling and purpose, yet still fall short of achieving it because of the doubts, distractions and obstacles that your mind has to overcome in order to achieve. Most teachings on mindset are secular and leave you trying to rely only on a single aspect of what it takes to have highly developed mind that remains undistracted, sharp, and honed in on completing your calling.

It is time to connect, activate and harness the dormant power of your mind to fulfill the spiritual calling and destiny on your life.

Women are being called to the forefront in both business and ministry, yet many of us have not known how to fortify our minds so we can be fully prepared for all the Lord is calling us to do for such a time as this.

Now is the time to align your mind, body and spirit to effortlessly accomplish the calling on your life.

In this course you will learn:


The keys to making the mindset shift that increases your spiritual and financial abundance.


Release the hidden source of ever-increasing self-encouragement and excitement that will keep you moving ahead on your path to accomplishing your goals and fulfilling your calling.


How to transform your mindset to one of positivity, power and persistence (in a way that feels natural and unforced).


How to identify and accelerate the three dimensions of identity that are required to have a clear mind that remains focused on manifesting the calling on your life.


The three dimensions of a solid mindset that result in you moving forward in achieving your vision no matter what is going on in your life or what comes your way to attempt to distract and delay you.


How to develop the mind of Christ so you move from your spiritual center in every choice and action you make.


Understand the profound connection between the heart and the mindset and how you can keep them perfectly aligned to easily keep moving forward without doubt and distractions.


How to take dominion over your circumstances so they always line up with what you need to powerfully move forward.


The process to pulling down every thought that is not aligned with the success you desire.


How to positively impact those around you so they support and encourage your vision.

Your Six Classes Will Cover:

This course includes:


A comprehensive training packet with teachings, revelation and resources that will guide you in developing and maintaining the mindset you need be unwavering in every area of your life.


Step-by-step techniques to keep your mind strong and unrelenting in the pursuit and manifestation of your vision and Kingdom Assignment in ministry and/or business.


6 Lessons (90 minutes each) on how to create an Unshakeable Mindset.


24/7 access to Ericka's online learning center where you can download all teachings and recordings.


if you order by May 31st.
$157 after May 31st.

You will immediately receive a confirmation email with details to access the course.

About The Trainer

Ericka D. James helps you fearlessly build something extraordinary. She is a master transformational specialist who discovered her gifts of speaking and leading at the age of 12 and has spent the last 31 years guiding people to become all they were created to be.

After overcoming years of bullying and the challenges of single motherhood, her testimony is one of triumph, forgiveness, faith, complete surrender, obedience, and an unyielding pursuit of manifesting her potential.

Her more than 25 years of experience in transformation, her anointing as a speaker, and her talent and humor as a natural entertainer converge to create a life-changing experience for her audiences.

Ericka is passionate about three things—creating, communicating, and connecting. She shares her passion as a communicator, first as a prophet, and then with businesses and organizations through keynote speeches, trainings, live events, and experiences. Her passion for connecting shines through her love of creating training systems and safe communities for those called to build something extraordinary. She empowers people to come together, celebrate, and grow their success.

Ericka is the CEO of The Convergence Center LLC, a world-class consulting and training firm, the founder of The Alliance, a training and development organization for businesswomen, and the founder and apostle of The Kingdom Minister’s Association, a 501(c)(3).

She has created a collection of highly sought-after trainings, certifications, and resources that include numerous CDs, podcasts, articles, trainings, and teaching tools. She has authored six books, including The Power of Vision, The Fearless Living Challenge, Beyond Fearless: How to Remove Every Hindrance From Your Life, and Your Heart is the Key. Be on the lookout for The Ericka James Show debuting in 2020 on multiple media platforms.

When she is not working, you can find her reading, writing, attempting to be a painter, and doing anything that makes her laugh with her family.

Learn more about how Ericka can help you at www.ErickaDJames.com.