There is so much that shifts in your life when you truly commit to and place your primary focus on completing your Kingdom Assignment. In my quiet time last night, a list of the shifts that take place started running through my mind.
These are just a few of the things that you experience as you build your Kingdom Assignment:
- You develop a closer relationship with the Lord and His Holy Spirit
- You are more patient
- Your ministry message impacts more lives
- Your business begins to thrive on new levels
- The joy you experience and express increases
- You become a master at overcoming obstacles
- Your circumstances line up to support you
- Your relationships strengthen
- New acquaintances and relationships seek you out
- You become more organized and on top of things
- Your gratitude increases about even the small things in your life
- Your mindset strengthens
- Your discipline and habits are elevated
- Your capacity to receive increases
- Your mindset and outlook on life become stronger
- You happiness increases
- People begin to seek you out to work with you
- Your time becomes in high-demand
- Your revenue increases
- Your creativity expands
- Your motivation and inspiration multiply
- You easily magnetize all that you need
- You release excess emotional baggage
- You are slower to irritate
- You become more focused
- You draw more friends and potential team members
- Your ideas that you have had for years start to easily come together
- You become masterful at knowing what to do to manifest
- Your energy increases
- Your capacity to carry the “bigness” of your Assignment continually expands
- You smile a lot more
- and…favor and provision opens up to you in amazing ways!!!
In other words, when you focus on your Kingdom Assignment first and foremost, everything else is added to your life.
Don’t put this off another day!
If you are ready to identify, understand, formulate and implement your Kingdom Assignment, there is still time to register for the three-part course that begins tonight.
Click Here for Full Details
I’ll talk to you this evening!
Dedicated to Your Success,