Thursday, April 12th, 2012
I can’t believe it is already April! I put together a little ditty for you about this critical time in the Body of Christ as the Lord positions you to release His brilliance into the world.
Jesus is positioning those (that means you) in the Five-fold ministry to come out of the four walls of the building or worship center and get busy building the Kingdom of God upon the earth.
He is building and expanding His Kingdom and you are called to release the power that has been locked up within you for such a time as this.
Here is a brief 3 minute video that will help you understand why you have been feeling a bit unbalanced and a out-of-sorts. There is a important reason for this and you can harness it to move through this time with ease, grace and peace that passes all understanding.
(click on the video player image below to view the video)
Love, Ericka
PS. Please bear with this camera. It is a new camera with auto-focus that is strange to me. This is the last video I will do with this camera before it goes to the great camera grave-yard – whew!
Upcoming Events
We are off to an amazing start with the new cycle of The Fearless Success Circle. It kicked of on Tuesday and there is still time for you to join in this 90-day cycle. Visit the page and get registered today. It is a group coaching circle that will accelerate and catapult the results you are getting in your Kingdom Assignment.
A Quick Heads-up…
For more than three years I have been quietly building some incredible content designed to usher and guide Christian Leaders in accessing the rooms in Heaven to gain access to the secrets, mysteries, and instruction of the Lord to manifest in your Kingdom assignment and take it to new heights and realms. For the first time ever I am making all of this wonderful juicy teaching available. I am opening up the Kingdom Minister’s Training Institute for full access. Stay tuned for more info as this program gets ready to be available to you (target release: Monday April 30th).
Another ground-breaking program I have been developing, testing and piloting is a one-of-a-kind training program for Christian Leaders who have been called to Coach Christians to the success they were born to live. This program not only teaches coaching and Christian coaching principles, techniques and applications, it is the only coaching program that includes inner healing and deliverance as part of the curriculum so those you serve can truly remove EVERY hindrance they are dealing with and get FREE once and for all!
This program launches on June 12th and it is going to be a national webinar/teleclass training program so you can participate and get your Convergence Coach Certification from anywhere in the world. Get ready…more information will be available soon.