Are you priced to just get by or are you priced for growth?
After years of getting to walk along side business owners as they have pulled the veils off of our businesses to help them get to the next level, one thing is for sure.
A majority of businesses that were started by Specialists (those who use their area of specialty to do the client work) are surprisingly under priced.
After moving through the exercise that I share in this video, I realized that my prices were also way too under priced and it was time for a major adjustment.
When you get this right, your business transforms by preparing not just to survive, but for grow and thrive.
Your pricing is one of the keys to your business being build to last. Join Ericka D. James as she discusses, IT IS TIME TO GET YOUR PRICING RIGHT on this Power Chat. Enjoy!
Dedicated to Your Success,
– Ericka
#erickaspeaks #womeninbusiness #makeithappen #knowyourworth #buildyourempire #livefearlessly