After all of the time and energy I put into guiding you in doing your spiritual work, I am clear that manifesting the fullness of your business or ministry vision is a matter of mindset.
It is so important to not only spend time developing your spiritual life. You must spend just as much time strengthening your mindset so you keep only focusing forward no matter what circumstances or obstacles that come your way.
Being highly spiritually developed without an unshakable mindset leaves you like a body builder who spends all of her time lifting weights to develop her upper body, but she has chicken legs that can barely keep her standing.
Having an immoveable mindset enables you to access and release the untapped potential of your mind so you can naturally accelerate your clarity and productivity and fulfill your high calling in business or ministry without a hitch.
When your mindset is fully focused on manifesting your vision, you easily glide over life’s challenges, obstacles and setbacks with joy and determination.
When your mind is not strong, you easily get discouraged and can begin to feel isolated. Obstacles seem bigger than they are and begin to slow down your progress.
You all-too-often find yourself venting about what is not working or dreaming about what your life would be like if things were going better. Not to mention the extra trips to the pantry to grab yet another cookie that you tried to talk yourself out of.
You can even find it difficult to do the very things that will keep you moving toward obtaining your goals.
Last week I received a call from Debbie, one of the graduates of my Ministry MasteryTM course, who was wondering if I ever had to deal with crazy circumstances while I was building my vision. I laughed as I thought back over the many, many challenges that seemed insurmountable at the time they came into my path.
She shared that it seemed to look so easy for me and that she couldn’t imagine that I had to overcome massive difficulties to keep moving forward. She thought that what she was going through was unique to her situation.
Overcoming hurdles, obstacles and limitations is simply part of the process of manifesting the vision God has placed on your business or ministry.
In my more than 14 years on this journey of creating a thriving business and ministry, there have been more challenges than I care to count.
Building a business as a single mother with a demanding 5 year-old, starting a business without a penny in savings or capital, having every possible financial challenge come my way, being a target for spiritual hindrances to come my way and being called both to train business owners and minsters (when just one of these Kingdom assignments in huge) just to name a few.
If it was not for the fact that my parents deeply instilled a strong mindset in me all of my life, I would have crumbled under the “bigness” of my calling and gotten derailed from my vision path many times over.
It is time to connect, activate and harness the dormant power of your mind to fulfill the spiritual calling and destiny on your life.
This requires an intentional investment of time, practice and intentional focus to strengthen your mind for the next level of success.
Here are a few of the basics that will get you moving in the right direction to have an unshakeable mindset:
1. Identify from where your thoughts come.
2. Pull down every thought that is not aligned with where you are going.
3. Reframe old thoughts and beliefs.
No more feeling strong in the spirit and not being steady emotionally and mentally so you can wake up each and every morning with laser-beam-like focus and tenacity to walk through your day efficiently and energetically.
You can do this!
In fact, having an unshakeable mindset is so important to what you are called to do that I teamed up with an amazing woman to teach the comprehensive process of developing an unshakeable mindset.
If you are ready to take this work deeper, for the first time, my course, Developing an Unshakeable Mindset for Success, is available as a home study course.
I pray that it is the missing link you have been asking for that will catapult your vision to new heights and dimensions of success.
Dedicated to Your Success,