My Kingdom assignment is to guide you in accessing the secrets of heaven and manifesting them on the earth. But, there are realms in the Lord that you must first enter into in order to access the higher thing of God.

It is only because Jesus paid the full price that you and I can even access the things of God. And the very first thing to remember is that is has already been done. In the heavenly realm, all things are already complete and whole. You are already complete and whole in Him.

Your walk should now be about releasing anything you are still carrying that is between you and your heavenly wholeness. This is for you to walk in right here and now.

It is already done. Now all you have to do is take it.

Here is a little video reminder that everything you desire is already within you. All that you are in Him is already done and now you get the joy of walking it out.


In His Love, Ericka