I have been so excited about all the Lord is doing in this ministry and the other ministries with which we work. My natural inclination is to keep guiding people to go higher and higher in the Lord and I have been putting offerings out that reflect that. Then, the Lord reminded me that a vast majority of His children who have been called are still struggling with fear. We have to be fearless before we can move into being beyond fearless.
This is a HUGE part of my Kingdom Assignment and I had to move into obedience and offer – for the first time in years – a teaching on fearlessness. This time it is all about removing any fear that is standing in the way of building your ministry. I hope you will join us on for this month’s teleclass:
Being Fearless: How to Remove Fear so your Ministry Can Thrive
2-Part Tele-class
Thursdays, April 14th and 21st, 2011
7:30 pm EST – 9:00pm EST
Fear is a spiritual issue that produces HUGE challenges in your life. It is the elephant in the room that we don’t want to talk about. Yet it holds us back from so much.
Fear keeps you from releasing the Word of God and the message God placed within you to those who need to hear it.
It keeps you beating yourself up for what you’ve been through instead of sharing your testimony.
It keeps you from reaching out to the very people who need to hear from you.
Fear keeps you stuck and unable to move forward.
It keeps you living lives that undervalue our worth.
It undermines your self-esteem.
It keeps you living paycheck-to-paycheck or invoice-to-invoice
It keeps you in “romantic” relationships we should have let go of a long time ago.
It keeps you accepting friendships that don’t truly honor who you are.
It keeps you living beneath your God-intended level of greatness.
It inhibits your creativity and ability to truly express your joy.
It keeps your heart heavy with worry and doubt.
It keeps you from living the juicy life God preordained for you.
It’s time to say NO MORE to fear!!!
It is robbing you of your divine life.