Most people never achieve their BIG goals. They just remain dreams and never become a reality. It was not until women would attend one of The Alliance (of Christian Business Women) meetings and then I would see them a few years later and ask how there business was coming along. I started to notice a pattern. If they could not get there business to gain traction after two or three years, they tried something else.
In other words, they quit.
The challenge with this is that two or three years is not enough time to gain mastery at the very thing they were called to do. There is a reason for this, especially for visionaries.
One of my “things” is to decode the process to achieving your God-given vision and noticed that far too many people run out of steam before they get to the finish line. This is terribly challenging for our souls and inner spirits. It can even cause you to doubt yourself so much that you never complete the very thing to which you are called. The reason God created you.
This is NOT okay.
Learn what stops most people from manifesting their goals and how you can make sure you achieve yours on this Power Chat with Ericka. Enjoy!
Awesome! It does get frustrating when you’re not seeing the manifestation of your labor. Then I have to remind myself to stay focused and keep plowing. Thanks Ericka for the reminder.
I am still laughing at when you shared that you want to organize the world at Product Power Live! Yes, stay focused and obedient. You have the gift of being able to clearly hear the Holy Spirit and that will help you stay on track much easier than if you are trying from your own will and direction. Keep moving forward no matter what. It is worth everything!
Well, this was the message I needed, right on time. Was just considering my time and how things need to shift while working on my seedling of a business earlier in the day. I absolutely struggle with consistent commitment to the baby steps. Yet, I can definitely do other small things consistently. When I block it on my calendar it does happen but I have certainly gotten off track too. I liked the reminder of focusing on just 3 goals for the next 90 days too. Need to hone in and focus.
I am so glad that the message was right on time for you! Trying to handle the immediate obligations of life while building a vision is the challenge of a lifetime. Remember that “the stretch,” as I call it, is only for a season. Don’t let another day pass you by without moving your vision forward.You can do this!