When I started this journey to living God’s vision full-time, I was constantly working. Okay…so, I still am. But there is a difference now. I truly understand that as long as I keep moving forward in obedience, this vision will come to pass. It is not dependent on my efforts, work, or activity. Yes, I must add work to my faith, but I was working so hard thinking that the harder I worked, the faster my vision would come to pass and the more of God’s blessings I would receive. I put taking care of myself on the back burner and stayed focused on my spiritual life. All the while I was slowly and surely putting on weight.
I looked up seven years and 80 –yes, 80!– pounds later and it’s time to focus on aligning my body with God just as I have worked to align my life and vision. As a matter of fact, in my renewing of my mind time this morning, I heard The Lord whisper in my ear, “As you take care of your body, you are worshipping me.” Now, that’s new! It is new for me to see taking care of my body as a form of showing my love, adoration, and worship for God. It also gave me permission to put more of my energy and focus on my body’s needs. The scripture that reminds me to see my body as a living sacrifice took on a whole, new meaning and depth to me. Sleep. Eating well. Getting my sweat on daily. And did I mention sleep. Okay…it’s ONNN! I hope you join me… – Ericka
Ericka D. Jackson, Christian Speaker. Author. Breakthrough Coach. www.erickajackson.com
Hi –
Great post. I can sure identify with your single minded pursuit of ministry. It’s something I also struggle with. I sometimes fall into the trap of thinking that the harder I work, the faster everything will happen. Of course, it’s important to work, but I also need to step back and realize that this is about God, not me. Sometimes that’s tough!
If you get a chance, please stop by our Living for God Blog, http://blog.livingforgod.net We deal with some very similar issues.
Lisa Are Wulf
Hi Ericka!
This comment really hits home for me. I do a lot in the course of a day, but when it comes right down to it…its a whole lot of busy work and the things that I really need to get done to take my business to the next level are not being done because I am too afraid to set out and do them. I speak a workshops, seminars, conferences, even schools…but something as simple as making a one-on-one, face to face presentation with someone that I don’t know, or have never met scares the life out of me.
There are so many thoughts and ideas that I have passed on to others to help them take their businesses to the next level. I have even accompanied others for support while they make cold calls but I can’t seem to do the same for myself. I hide behind my “busy” work at home, my parents, my husband and children and all the other responsibilities (that everyone else has) as my excuse not to have enough time to step up and step out.
I will continue to pray for relief from my fears and faith to trust in GOD that he is always with me.
Cheryl #8375