Turn Your Business Into A Money Making Machine Audio Teaching



You have been called to build a business and you have stepped out on faith and obedience. But…you’ve been quietly struggling with how to move beyond putting in so many hours to having a plan and the help you need to actually reach your vision.

As Christian women called to business, you are highly gifted and know you are called to do great things in the marketplace, yet it is often a challenge to translate your gifts into significant income.

  • How do you turn your gifts into profits?
  • How do you truly ask for our value?
  • How do you actually make great money so you can give to the many causes the Lord has placed on your heart?
  • How do you move your businesses from a hobby level to be a serious contender in your industry?
  • How do you do all of this working smart and not so hard?

Whether it is a larger team you need, more clients, better systems, or time to implement all of the ideas the Lord keeps giving you, this teaching will show you the clear step-by-step path to reaching your business success. Learn from the teachings of a seasoned business owner as she guides you in reaching and surpassing your business goal and fulfilling your vision.

This teleclass will cover HOW to: 

  • Increase your effectiveness in every area of your business.
  • Create an unshakable business foundation on which to expand.
  • Access additional funding & expertise to help you increase your bottom line.
  • Create systems in your business so everything gets done in less time.
  • Leverage your gifts & talents to reach more people with less effort.
  • Appropriate the power of Jesus to easily draw more clients and wealth.