MP900435893 You have genius inside of you that holds the power to deeply impact the Kingdom of God.

Genius is  having a natural ability or capacity; having a strong inclination toward a specific   area of expertise.

What is your genius?

Whether you are building a business or a ministry, the Lord has set aside a specific group of people who need to hear precisely what He has placed inside of you – your genius. This is your flock.

Every experience in your life up to this moment has fully prepared you for this.

There are people literally praying and crying out to hear exactly what you have to say just the way you have to say it.

Here’s the key – you have to SHARE and RELEASE your genius.

No fear. No doubt. No hesitation.

The Lord placed it inside of you so you always have provision flowing into your hands.

When you don’t share and release it, the provision cannot flow.

I wanted to send a quick reminder to you to make sure you revisit those ideas that have been placed inside of you to present your genius to your flock or ideal target market.

I know…life happens and these things can easily fall to the bottom of your To-Do  list.

But, time is of the essence.

You are being called into Kingdom provision and you must, must, must release what has been placed inside of you in order to activate the provision.

I always hear people say, “Where God gives a vision, there is provision.”

So true. But something is missing from this statement that I want to make sure you get.

He ONLY releases the provision if you MOVE.

Make sure you are not waiting before you MOVE.

Don’t wait on the time to get it done to present itself. It won’t. You have to make it happen.

Don’t wait on people to come and help you. They won’t. They won’t show up until you have already produced some fruit by moving forward.

Don’t wait until you know what you’re doing. You will be learning each step of the way.

Don’t wait until you have the money. It is your action that releases the provision to come into your hands in the form of help, time, money, resources, know-how and the energy to get it all done and carry it to others.

What genius can you focus on releasing so you can witness the provision of both the natural and supernatural realms manifest in your hands?

How much of it can you get done this weekend if you set aside some “time-on-task?”

You can DO this.

Just focus in. Do not allow your current circumstances to sway you.

Go ahead and get ‘er done.

Have a life-changing weekend!

Dedicated to Your Success,