I’m excited that those of you who were on the Cracking the Code: Accessing Your Wealth call last Thursday are now registering for my complete 4-part telecourse at https://erickajackson.com/crackingthecode.
It is truly going to be awesome and parlay you into a whole new reality in the area of your finances and bringing forth the resources necessary to grow your ministry and business.
I want to share another MINI-LESSON with you before the course actually begins, and whether or not you’ve decided to join us or not. By the way, the DISCOUNT has been extended until midnight tomorrow, so there is still time to enroll for the special registration rate. Here is the next mini-lesson for you. Enjoy!
Lesson 1: Obedience is The Seed That Creates Resources
I don’t know about you, but as I grew up in the church, I was somehow left with the concept that planting a seed of money will lead to more money coming my way. This is not true and one of the traditions and rudiments of man that has stopped us from activating the financial aspect of our divine inheritance from manifesting. I have lost count of how many times I gave money with the false expectation of getting more money back from the Lord early in my walk with God.
It is NOT money that is the SEED that creates more money. Obedience opens up the resources you need to complete the call on your life. To move forward in obedience requires the faith that begins to open up all of HEAVEN to you. I really need you to get this in your spirit. It is your OBEDIENCE in which God is truly interested.
Repeat after me: “It is part of my divine inheritance to have all the resources I need to impact other’s lives.”
The Lord showed me the proper way we should make offerings to Him in churches. He showed me that blank slips of paper should be handed out with the offering envelopes. On these envelopes we should write the areas of our life in which we are comitting to be obedient. If the Holy Spirit tells us to give a financial seed, only then do we give the amount He is asking of us in faith and obedience.
Then, we place the seed in the offering basket. This seed may be your written comitment to obedience or it may be a dollar amount. It is not the money, it is your obedience that grows into the currency you require to manifest the calling the Lord has placed on your life.
If you are ready to move into full obedience in your life so you can access the resources that have been set aside for you, then I want to invite you to register for my upcoming Cracking The Code: Secrets to Accessing Your Wealth 4-part telecourse that begins on Thursday. Here’s what you will learn in the second class (remember, there are a total of four classes plus a bonus question and answer class):
But the traditional methods we have learned just won’t work here, so here’s what I’m going to share:
* DISMANTLE the unseen forces that have been holding back the financial flow that has been set aside for you.
* How to break any remaining strongholds that have been operating in your finances.
* The GATEWAY to focus on that which will make the biggest difference in UNBLOCKING the flow of wealth into your life.
* How to MANIFEST the clean fruit you need to transform your financial reality.
* What is PROMISED to you once you overcome what has been in the way of your wealth…
* How to parlay financial lack into FINANCIAL WELLNESS.
* The process of moving from asking and into what it takes for the Lord to release your RICHES.
* The step-by-step process to BELIEVE God for the things you have been praying for.
* How to BREAK the generational curses of poverty that have ran through your family lines.
* Diminishing the mountain of money into a molehill.
* How to ACCESS the full power of Jesus to remove all blockages and pitfalls to achieving the success you envision.
* How to identify and cease the past lies that have been holding you back.
* How to dispatch your angels of wealth and miracles on a daily basis.
* The PROCESS of moving from asking and into what it takes for the Lord to release your riches.
And this is just a QUARTER of the content that I’ll be covering in the 4-part “Cracking The Code: Secrets to Accessing Your Wealth” telecourse. I won’t be glossing over ANY details you need to truly partner with God in getting free in the area of finances. I know this is EXACTLY the type of information that you need most as a Kingdom minister (someone called outside of the wall of the church to reach God’s people and the world).
Review all of the details on my complete Cracking The Code (plus the special BONUS Q&A call), and register now at https://erickajackson.com/crackingthecode.
To His Glory,
P.S. If you missed the content-loaded preview call I did last week, here’s where you can get the AUDIO recording. We’re receiving rave reviews, so it’s worth a listen: https://erickajackson.com/audio/Crackingthecode.mp3.