Tips, tools and know-how to keep you moving forward.

The Power of Upleveling

Greetings! Something inside of you has shifted. You have been charging one price for years, but somehow it is no longer honoring the hard work, skill and talent that you give to your clients. The friends with with whom you have always had so much in common are still...

The Provision For Your Vision

Greetings! I often hear people say “Where there is vision, there is provision.” Yes, there is always provision stored up that covers the cost of the vision. But the rest of this is that there are some prerequisites to God releasing the provision into your hands. We...

Clearing The Way Call to Action

Do you feel it? Do you feel that strange feeling in your stomach? That knowing that it is time to burst forth like never before? It is time for you to move to your next level and new dimensions of success. But, we need to make sure your heart and spirit are ready. I...

Release Your Inner Superhero

Greetings! Here is a video message that will help you release your inner Superhero! I went to see the movie Avengers yesterday and was reminded of just how much I love superhero movies! As I watched the theater fill up to capacity I was amazed at the range of ages,...

The 7 Rules of Upleveling

There is a word for the process of God moving you into new dimensions and levels of success and achievement - upleveling. When you uplevel, it is a palpable and clear shift that you can feel as you move to new heights. Upleveling is powerful and part of the process of...

Is it Your Mindset or Spiritual Strength?

This is the time to DIG-IN. Or as my best friend and I put it this week, "It's time to put on our big girl (woman) pants (okay, we actually said, "panties,") and make some things happen!" It's time to do all that you already have learned to do but have not make the...